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The school year is 9 months with tuition paid on an 8-month schedule.
Tuition is the same each month, regardless of how many school days or holidays are in each month.
Morning drop-off begins at 8:40.
Afternoon carline begins at 2:20.
Toddler doors open at 2:15.
Toddler Sessions
(Child must be 12 months of age by 9/1/25)
Registration Monthly Annual
& Supplies Payment Tuition
2 Days (T/Th) 8:40 -2:15
3 Days (M/W/F) 8:40 - 2:15
$235.00 $280.00 $2,240
$285.00 $385.00 $3,080
3 Year Old Sessions
(Child must be potty-trained and 3 years of age by 9/1/25)
Registration Monthly Annual
& Supplies Payment Tuition
2 Days (T/Th) 8:40 -2:20
3 Days (M/W/F) 8:40 - 2:20
5 Days (M-F) 8:40 - 2:20
$235.00 $280.00 $2,240
$285.00 $385.00 $3,080
$420.00 $665.00 $5,320
4 Year Old Sessions
(Child must be 4 years of age by 9/1/25)
Registration Monthly Annual
& Supplies Payment Tuition
2 Days (T/Th) 8:40 - 2:20
3 Days (M/W/F) 8:40 - 2:20
3 Days (T/Th/F) 8:40 - 2:20
5 Days (M-F) 8:40 - 2:20
$235.00 $280.00 $2,240
$285.00 $385.00 $3,080
$290.00 $400.00 $3,200
$420.00 $665.00 $5,320
5 Year Bridge Class
(Child must be 5 years of age by 9/1/25)
Registration Monthly Annual
& Supplies Payment Tuition
Bridge (M-Th) 8:40 - 2:20 $360.00 $540.00 $4,320
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